Impact Project FAQs

Below are a list of anticipatory questions. I’ll add as I go, but please feel free to reach out if you have one burning in your belly (that isn’t indigestion related).

Are there more details about Moose you’d like to share?

Absolutely. Yes. See the About page.

Is there a particular format for submitted stories?

Yes. See the Contact Us page to submit.

How often will stories be posted?

Stories are posted once per week. My personal stories will be once a month, so that leaves a LOT of space for all of you!

The word count is wide open (a paragraph to over 1,000 words). Can you give more specific guidance?

Yes and no. I don’t want to restrict you and the story coming from your heart. Hey, this isn’t a homework assignment! Typically, the blog post is 1,000 words or less. If I receive a longer submission, then we can consider condensing or posting pieces of your story. If it’s just not something we can break up, then it’s likely we can still work with it, and I’ll contact you on that for more details. If it’s short, no problem—we can feature multiple stories on one post or post more frequently that week. Bottom line–don’t let length inhibit you from writing.

I have a story, but I don’t know how to write it. What should I do?

Contact me. Let’s kick it around. Perhaps we can write it together!

I have an experience/individual that negatively impacted me, and it shaped who I am. Can you include my story?

Maybe. That is the short answer. Is the story about someone who helped you out of a difficult situation? Of COURSE, these stories are absolutely welcome. Most of our most poignant memories are in those who helped us through a difficult time. As mentioned in the intro, this is meant to be a positive experience for the reader. I am not at all trying to marginalize negative impacts and how they shape us, because it is absolutely critical that we realize the need to be good to each other. However, I do want to focus on the positive effects we can (and should) have on each other. In honor of my friend and the project, this is the route I have chosen to take. If you have a negative impact story that you’ve used for good, then absolutely send it my way for consideration.

Is this blog solely stories of humans impacting each other, or will there be more?

There will be more fun content sprinkled in. I definitely have some musings about how we can be good to each other (and why). Stay tuned.